Notes from Chiang Mai.

The moat that encircles the old city against the backdrop of the mountain Doi Suthep.

A rather wonderful side effect of studying Thai massage in Chiang Mai over the years is that I’ve fallen in love with the place. When I first came as a backpacker with a schedule in 1995, I didn’t hang around long enough to absorb its charms. Later as a massage student with young children at home, I also couldn’t stay long beyond my courses. So on my most recent trip I stayed on a month to see if I could learn something more about Thailand by staying put for a while, getting to know people a bit and avoiding the temptation to go rushing around. In many ways Chiang Mai is an ordinary working Thai city, a little polluted at times due to sitting in a basin, but there is magic and poetry there. Doi Suthep (the mountain) sits behind, the home to forest, hidden temples , rural villages and farming tribal people. The City effortlessly combines metropolitan chic and mild hipsterism (Thai style, they do it well with humour) along with the associated food, shopping and entertainment. Alongside this, traditional community life, atmospheric temples, sleepy sois (lanes), markets and endless street food make up the rhythm of life in seemingly timeless fashion. It has a reputation of being slower and more relaxed than Bangkok and the south. It’s not surprising that it attracts Thai artists , digital nomads, backpackers and ex pat retirees amongst others. A brief snap shot below.

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Massage Culture in Thailand.

Street pop up massage place on market day.

Massage is very much part of day to day life in Thailand . Often it is not segregated away into sanitised clinics and spas (but those places exist) . It is both part of popular culture and a serious medical treatment . Traditionally children massage parents (bring it on) and it’s not uncommon just to see people getting stuck into each other’s knots and blocks in less formal work settings and markets. At the airport when leaving I saw one of the cleaners going over one of his colleagues, including standing on him, just on the floor outside the loos . Whilst on my research and study trips I made it my business to receive massage in as many and varied places as possible.

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Learning Thai massage over 25 years, my experience.

Sunshine Massage School, Chiang Mai Thailand.

In my late 20’s my initial simple desire was to learn Thai massage as it was the best massage I had received, and it fitted with my developing career path in Yoga at that time. Perhaps naively I thought I would do a couple of courses and off I would go. I wasn’t really expecting to embark on an amazing adventure of lifelong learning , with lots of confusion along the way and to become immersed in another culture and worldview ; but I’m grateful I chose this route, am all the richer for it, and hopefully my clients appreciate it too.

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Meditation and its Philosophy in Plain English.

Meditation is a nuanced subject and practice, but there are some core elements common to most traditions . This guide reflects my own experience in the Buddhist/Yoga tradition and the most useful ideas that I have worked with. I do though feel it is not necessary to be allied to a tradition or religion to explore meditation, especially for those of use inclined towards humanism and a secular approach to exploring these matters. The framework and container provided by a tradition or religion maybe well be helpful , especially to get started ( they often have a lot of centuries of practice behind them) , but it may equally be helpful to keep a neutral open minded position to avoid pre-conceived notions on experience and confirmation biases.

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London to Glasgow, a UK cycle ride for COP 26, 2021.

Below is a blog I kept during a one week cycle ride from London to Glasgow (510 miles) to arrive at COP 26 in late October 2021 and make our cycling point . The ride was created by a collaboration of individuals and Adventure Uncovered/Brake the Cycle, two environmentally conscious adventure companies . I’ve left the blog mostly unedited in the form I tapped it out on my phone for social media each night whilst curled up in bed, just added a few useful links.

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